What’s in a Name: The Gun Show Loophole

Did you know that in many states (but not all) a private individual can sell a firearm to another private individual without the buyer going through a background check? For those states, if you identify each specific location type where this might occur as a unique gun loophole, you can create a bunch (even a plethora) of gun loopholes. Here are some possibilities:

  • Inside a private home (the home gun loophole)
  • Inside a private garage (the garage gun loophole)
  • Inside a private car or truck (the vehicle gun loophole)
  • On a sidewalk (the sidewalk gun loophole)
  • At a shopping mall/center parking lot (the shopping mall gun loophole)
  • At a fast food parking lot (the fast food gun loophole)
  • At an auto parts store parking lot (the auto parts gun loophole)
  • At a gun show (the gun show loophole)

A transparent discussion of what’s common to these situations (if you thought this was a loophole rather than a decision and if you were interested in transparency) would refer to it as a private gun sales loophole, rather than choosing just one of these locations. (I would at least respect the honesty.) That might even help to foster some honest discussion. But if you were just trying to scare/fool people, you would pick one place/loophole and push it hard. (Personally I would let each state decide how they wanted to handle private gun sales.)