Term Limit All U.S. Senators and House Representatives

There is an increasing consensus among voters that we need a Constitutional Amendment to institute term limits on all members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. We have seen (on both sides of the proverbial aisle) long-time members of the House and Senate amass a great deal of personal political power over the years (not to mention personal wealth). They make laws that they themselves do not have to follow and have grown increasingly out of touch with the people. They seem to think they run the country, their way. I have brought the subject of term limits up several times in the last year with family and friends. They agreed … strongly and unanimously. Not a single one disagreed.

The following link points to a YouTube video of Congressional testimony on the subject of term limits. The person presenting to the committee makes a really good case. It’s worth the 5+ minutes it takes to watch.

There are two ways to amend the U.S. Constitution:

1) 66% of House members and 66% of Senators vote yes to a specific amendment, which causes it to be sent to the states. Then 75% of the states (37 states) must vote yes to that amendment. (Since this process starts with Congress, it seems unlikely, as it’s asking existing members to limit their own term.)

2) 66% of the states (34 states) request a constitutional convention to propose term limit amendments, Congress must call a constitutional convention, and 75% of the states (37 states) approve any term limit amendments proposed at the convention. (This is at least possible, as the states are usually closer to the people.)

Did you know that you can sign a petition to show your support for term limits? This following link will take you to the petition site. (They also have a Facebook page. They will ask for a donation, but you don’t have to do that to sign the petition.)

And here is a link to a grass-root PAC pushing for term limits. (They too have a Facebook page. And as a PAC, they will ask for money too. But you can poke around and get information without making a donation.)